- タイトル
- 発表者の氏名および所属
- 事例概要(定性データ、アセスメント、治療目標等)
- 事例経過(経過は検討したいポイントに絞って簡潔にまとめてください)
- 検討ポイント
The headquarters office is pleased to invite presenters for the case presentation scheduled at 10am-12am on the 3rd day of the Congress (maximum of 10 cases). Specifically, cases that go along with the theme of Congress, earthquake, traumatic, PTSD, dissociative disorder cases would be welcomed. We also have invited specialists from abroad, so we encourage and accept English presentation as well. If you are interested, please 1)check the “case presenter application” on the application form from congress HP, or 2) send the application form to the headquarters office with the e-mail address and case presentation section filled out. We will send you the executive summaries for presentation by e-mail.
Preparation of abstract for presentation
Please include the following substances.
- Title of the abstract
- Author(s) and the affiliation(s)
- Case outline (qualitative data, assessment, aims, etc.)
- Case process (Please make it brief with a focus on the point to review.)
- Review point
Please send the abstract to the following address by attaching the abstract stated in the template. We will send the template file to the applicant of presentation. Also we will send the word file password for security lock, please use this password to lock the file before attaching the file and please send to the headquarters office. If there are any unclear points please feel free to contact us.
headquarters office e-mail address: iadp@iadp.info
Deadline of the submission is Saturday the 21th of July 2012.
The presentation author is required to ensure that all co-authors or co-trainers are aware of the content of the abstract before submission to the IADP. All the presentation and the submissions are accepted on the understanding that the work has been performed with the permission of any relevant ethical or legislative body. Applications will only be accepted under these conditions.
Acceptance of abstract and presentation
Case presentation review board would examine the abstract of presentation and notify the result by Saturday the 28th of July to the presenter. Accepted proposal abstract would be in the executive summaries.
Preparation for the presentation handout
Also the acceptant presenter is required to prepare 1) a verval script of the first 10 minutes of the latest session and 2) the outline of the whole process of that session by the current day (size of A4). Verbal script reconstructed by memory is also permissible as well as recorded ones.