災害臨床プログラム ワークショップ【DCP】
アゴラ ワークショップ
西川 昌弘(国際基督教大学 准教授)
(午前・午後 2 回開催:片方の参加、2 回の参加、どちらも可能です。)
言語:日本語 参加対象者:専門家・一般市民
現代の心理学は、私たちが、自分と向き合い、自己対話を進めるのに、自分と近しい他者との対話が大きな助けになること、また、私たちひとり一人は、勇気をもって今、ここでの現実と向き合うだけ、小さな希望に出合うことができる、と教えています。私たちは10年以上にわたって、人がともに成熟するような対話のあり方、『教育的対話』(小谷, 2000)を探求してきました。私たち日本人の心の働き(西川, 2012)を踏まえた教育的対話の基本6技術を練習しましょう。
小谷英文 (2000). 心理教育プログラム 教育的対話力—応答構成による挑戦—. ボールパークコーポレーション.
西川昌弘. (2012). 心的安全空間と日本人の人格構造. 小谷英文 (編). 心的安全空間—『人間の安全保障』の基盤— (pp21-31). 国際基督教大学高等臨床心理学研究所.
Disaster Clinical Program [DCP]
Workshop in “Agora”
Let us learn the way to express your voice to a close person, to stop to listen to the surroundings and to return to yourself.
Masahiro Nishikawa, M.A. (International Christian University)
Time: 2 times, the morning(9:30-11:30) and an afternoon(14:30-17:30)
(you can participate in both or any time you like)
Language: Japanese Participant: Citizen and Professional
Almost one year and a half has passed since the Great East Japan Earthquake hit last March, and since then we have been facing to devastating aftermath of earthquake, tsunami and nuclear power plant accident and continuing our effort for reconstruction. In this workshop, let us learn the way to express the voice of here and now to whom you would like to deliver your experience and to return to ourselves.
Psychology today teaches us that conversation with close person would be a great help to face ourselves for further self understanding, and each of us could encounter moment of hope as much as we face the reality of here and now. Over 10 years we have been elaborating “Educational dialogue (Kotani, 2000)”, a way of a dialogue that people could mature. And now, let us practice 6 basic skills of Educational dialogue based on the movement of Japanese people’s mind (Nishikawa, 2012).
Kotani, H. (2000). Psycho-educational Program; Educational Dialogue – Challenge by response construction. Tokyo: Ballpark Corporation.
Nishikawa, M. (2012). Psychologically Safe Space and Japanese Personality Structure. In H. Kotani (Ed.) Psychologically Safe Space; Base of Human Security (Monograph, Vol. 1) (pp.21-31). Tokyo: Institute of Advanced Studies of Clinical Psychology.