10:30-12:30 オープニング講演とワークショップ
「底力の可能性 Power from the ground state」:演武と大集団グループ
講師:小谷 英文(IAGP Trauma / Disaster Task force 日本代表)
剣道演武:小池 總明(剣道教士7段・仙台泉区剣道連盟副会長)
小野寺 恵子(剣道5段) -
12:30-13:30 ランチタイム・個別相談
13:30-16:30 ワークショップ(IADP会員・専門家と市民それぞれ分かれて行います)
心を動かし、自分らしさに触れ、震災の重荷を下ろし、心に潜む力を取り戻すためのワークショップ -
16:45-17:30 大グループ:
参加者全員参加のグループで一日の体験を言葉にし、味わいます。 -
18:30-21:00 懇親会(参加費:6000円)
セス・アロンソン(ウィリアム・アランソン・ホワイト研究所 ファカルティ)
ラルフ・モーラ(アメリカ海兵隊岩国航空基地 岩国診療所(BHC)心理士)
能 幸夫(湘南病院相談室 室長/PAS心理教育研究所 所長)
牛島 定信 (三田精神療法研究所 所長)
吉松 和哉(式場病院 特別診療顧問)
※ 大会プログラムの詳細については、ホームページにて随時お知らせいたします。
Agora : Reconstructing the Community and Discovering the Hidden Power of our Minds after the Earthquake Disaster
- 10:30-12:30 Opening Lecture and Workshop
“Power from the ground state” : Martial performance and Large Group
-Hidden power of mankind can bevisualized, let’s challenge to see each others’
power from the ground state with the assistance of a master swordsman-
Martial performer: Fusaaki Koike
(Kyoshi: Kendo Instructor/ Vice-President, Federation of Izumi–ward
Sendai Kendo Society/ Japan)
Lead: Hidefumi Kotani, Ph.D., CGP
(Founder/ President, Institute of Psychoanalytic Systems Psychotherapy/
Japanese Representative, IAGP Trauma/Disaster Task force/ Japan)
- 12:30-13:30 Lunch Time / Individual consultation
(We will provide a consultation service for those who are in need at the individual
consultation booth.)
- 13:30-16:30 Workshops
(Workshops for citizens and for professionals and IADP members are separately
organaized)Workshops for Professionals: Training workshop for improving knowledge,
attitude and skills of psychotherapy.
Workshop for Citiznzes: Workshop for touching our hearts and minds, feeling
ourselves, letting down our psychological burden from
the disaster, and to restrain the hidden power of our
- 16:45-17:30 Large Group
To go through our day’s experience by putting it into words and sharing it with the
whole group, participated by all.
- 18:30-21:00: Party (Fee :6000-yen)
Training Workshops for the Professionals and IADP members
- The Challeng of psychotherapy, working with Traumatized Adolescent
Trainer: Seth Aronson, Psy.D., FAGPA
(FAGPA Fellow, Faculty and Training and Supervising Analyst,
William Alanson White Institute/ U.S.A.)
- Psychotherapy for Traumatized Children
Trainer: Ralph Mora, Ph.D., MSS, CAIA
(Staff Psychologist, Family Practice, BHC Iwakuni/ U.S.A.)
- Introduction to OHTOHKOHESEI (Responding-Process-Training)
Trainer: Yukio No
(Shonan Hospital / Chief, Institute of Psychoanalytic Systems
Psychotherapy/ Japan)
Dynamic Pshychotherapy for Depression
Trainer: Sadanobu Ushijima, M.D.
(Director, Mita Institute for Psychotherapy/ Japan) -
From Clinical experiences at psychiatric hospital-Handling Silence and
Aggression in Group Psychotherapy
Trainer: Kazuya Yoshimatsu, M.D.
(Special Medical Advisor, Shikiba Hospital/ Japan)